Letter From Rhys - Week # 36 – Transfers! Let’s shed a little light on the Subject!

Feliz lunes from the tropical land of the Republica Dominicana!

This week is the week of Transfers, and let me tell you people the all-American Elder Wheeler has been rejected at his request for a transfer! (I didn’t actually request for one, the sentence just sounds cooler that way!)

In short, I’m staying, but my companion, Elder Walker is going to the Los Resturadores zone. I will be also receiving a new companion from I think the U.S. named Elder Rich. I’ve asked many people and no one knows who he actually is. I don’t know anything about this guy. I guess you could call him the Riddler of the mission! But I feel slightly bad for my new companion because we don’t have power in our house! YAY no lights!

To cut a long story short, we’ve been two weeks without power! Recently we learned it was because our house hasn’t had a contract for lights for almost 10 years! It’s a miracle they hadn’t cut it sooner! The mission has been working on getting our lights back so we hope to have it again really soon.

Now you know there’s been no light, I should probably share as well that after the power went out we forgot to clean out the fridge and throw out all the perishable stuff. So today, we went to clean it out and I almost threw up twice! It was a wonderful smell and full of creepy crawly white MAGGOTS! You’re welcome!

We have also been working on a deep clean of the house today to prepare for my new companion!

On the note of the missionary work, we have a few progressing investigators but a lot of them are losing interest fast. I’m hoping that with my new companion we can push this good work a long! Well, that’s all for today folks, I hope you’ve enjoyed the wonderfully gory display of my fridge and the rest of my letter, too. I’ll talk to you all next time!

Going forth with the vision of Christ and an eye of Faith,

Elder Rhys Wheeler

P.s. Mom ya lo sabe! Typos please!


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