Letter From Rhys - Week # 35 – Water Fun!

Feliz Lunes from the tropical land of the Republica Dominicana! Shout out to my awesome niece Lily who turns 5 today! Happy Birthday Lily! I Love you and miss you and Christopher a lot!

This past week, we had our interviews with the mission president and it was fun. We were some of the last ones so we didn’t get back into our area until like 6 pm Tuesday night and we started at like 10:45ish. Also, during this time we had a little lesson from the APs about the unity of the zone and every companionship. We learned that the zone is only as strong as its weakest companionship. Like the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. It was really cool because later that week I was able to tie this lesson to the state of a ward in the church.

We are only as strong as our weakest members and we need to take care of the weak before we fortify the strong. Christ taught that if we love him, feed his lambs and then feed his sheep. It was a new piece of revelation for me that I thought that I should share with you all.

This past Saturday we had a baptism of a young teen girl names Marielis. Because of a couple of events, I was unable to get pictures because I didn’t have my camera, but it was a lot of fun and we celebrated her mom’s birthday afterwards.

On Sunday, we were able to find a young man of 17 years attending church. He had been attending for a while and we thought he was a member of the church. Turns out... he’s not. After lunch on Sunday he approached us and asked us what he had to do to get baptized. We then answered by telling him he needed to first read the Book of Mormon and pray to get a testimony of its truthfulness.

We then said he needed to continue attending church and listen and apply the message that we carry concerning the restoration of the gospel, the plan of salvation, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the commandments. We set a date for his baptism for the 28th of April and he’s super excited about this baptism. He’s super cool and I hope I’m here for his baptism because this is the last week of the Transfer! So next Monday folks I might be moving. But also, word is that we have 22 missionaries coming in this next transfer with 50 more coming during this summer to our mission so there is a high possibility I might be training soon... I think it will be fun, but let’s see what the Lord has in store for me!

Today for P-day we went to the Mall of Sambil, where we ate some delicious Wendy’s and Krispy Kreme and went to an aquarium! The aquarium was super cool and I’ll post some pictures of it was the end of my email. They had a little petting zoo like thing as well where we could touch starfish, sea urchins, sea slugs, Hermit Crabs, and a couple others that I don’t know what they are called but they were soft like petting a little kitten! IN THE WATER! And all this was to celebrate my niece’s 5th birthday!

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! I also have exactly 6 months until I turn 20! Isn’t that insane! I’m getting old! Aye mi Bondad! Well, my humble followers, I do sure hope that you enjoyed this week’s letter and  I will talk to you all next time!

Going forth with the vision of Christ and an Eye of Faith,
Elder Rhys Wheeler

P.S. Mom thanks for taking care of the Typos for me. I am able to type a little faster now so usually I can fix the majority!

P.P.S Photo time!

The first few are from the aquarium and the last is me in the Bishops house enjoying a nice meal cooked by me for them. Fun story the Bishop’s wife tried to steal my Garlic salt! HeHe! 😁

Rhys with a shark at the aquarium

Elder Walker, Rhys' companion

Rhys at the aquarium

Rhys at the aquarium
Dinner at the Bishop's house.  Rhys is holding the highly prized garlic salt.


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