Letter From Rhys - Week #23 - The Power of Faith unto Repentance!

Feliz Lunes from the Tropical land of the Repubilca Dominicana!

This week, I had the opportunity to go to zone conference! This transfer’s zone conference was super inspiring and helpful on how we can better our missionary service. We talked a lot of really making sure our investigators recognized and felt the Spirit as we taught. The President also strictly told us that if at any moment we don’t feel the spirit as we are about to teach a lesson, we are forbidden to teach. ( See D&C 42:14). We were also taught that we must only teach by the way of the Spirit, because that’s the only true way people will experience conversion!

Also, Elder Portillo and I were able to be witnesses to the marriage of a part member family we have been teaching for quite some time. Rafael, the husband, has had a tough past with many problems with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. However, over the last year, the Lord has been working through his servants the missionaries to teach him and help him on his way to full repentance. I am happy and pleased to announce that this past weekend, Rafael has witnessed before the church that he had repented of his sins, and made the covenant of Baptism with our Father in Heaven! YAAAAAAAAY!

Attached are photos of the marriage ceremony and a small surprise party that the ward put together after his baptism. He and his wife Germania had a little cutting the cake photo taken to commemorate their marriage as well! We and the entire ward are super happy that they have made it this far and they plan to support them all the way to the temple a year from now, when Rafael and Germania can make further covenants with the Lord and be sealed together for time and all eternity! After Witnessing the change that Rafael has made in his life these past 4 or 5 months, I have gained a stronger testimony of the power of the Atonement of Christ and a larger affirmation that the work that we are doing is the Lord’s work on the earth.

The civil marriage ceremony.  They were previously married in a church, but the government didn't recognize it.  To be baptized, they have to be LEGALLY married.

Rhys signing as one of the official witnesses of the marriage.

At Rafael's Baptism

Cutting their "wedding" cake

Last week, we obtained a reference from other missionaries in our mission. The reference’s name was Michael. We passed by his house on a couple of occasions but he was not home at the time. A couple days later, we received a called from the missionaries who gave us the reference. They requested that we go to his house and talk with his mother. This reference came from the two older brothers of Michael, who live with their father in Santo Domingo.

Apparently, the two brothers wanted to be baptized and they needed permission from the mother. When we talked to her on Saturday, it was our first meeting with the mother of the family. Her name is Sandra. We talked with her about our purpose as missionaries and the blessing of the Gospel in our lives. After sharing a couple quick thoughts about the gospel, we asked her about the permission for her sons. She had told us that she didn’t have any problems with them being baptized but she wanted to know more about the church before she gave the permission.

We accepted this desire she expressed and invited her and her son Michael to Church the next day. They both gladly accepted, and the next morning they came with us to Church! We also had an appointment set with them for that evening. At this appointment we asked them what they thought about the church and if they had questions about anything in particular. Hermana Sandra then asked the perfect three questions to start our lesson. Why do we have the sacrament every week? When should we take the sacrament? and Who can take the sacrament?

After starting with a prayer, we shared with her the answers to her questions and made the transition into the Book of Mormon and the message of the Restoration. After our lesson, we invited them to pray about our message and if they learned that our message was true, if they would be baptized by someone who has the authority to do so. They both accepted! It was an amazing lesson! Michael had also expressed interest in being baptized beforehand as well but the issue was permission from his mother. We also were able to get the permission necessary for her other two sons, Ronald and Randy, who are being baptized this weekend!

This week as been full of hard work and miracles in our area and I know that there are more to come! Thanks for all the love and support that you guys send my way through whatever means you can manage! I Love you all and I sincerely hope that you all can have the blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their fulness, as you all apply the teachings of Christ in your lives! 

Going forth with the vision of Christ and an Eye of Faith,

Elder Rhys Wheeler!

P.S. Mom, thanks for your hard work and dedication to my typo correction. and please don’t stop! Love you! 


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