Letter From Kelson - Week # 86 - Baaaahh!!! Baaaaahhh!!! - (What the sheep said when the Angel appeared)

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!
It was the night before, before, before, before, before, before, before, before Christmas and all through the house, everything was in flames, because someone left the ham in the oven and burned it... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!
Now, this isn't the same Christmas story that we are all used to, maybe this is more around your childhood fantasies... There were in the same field Shepherds abiding in their fields, watching their flocks by night. Then suddenly there was a bright light that appeared and an angel appeared in the midst of the light, and they were sore afraid... Then they were unable to stay and hear the message from the angel because their sheep were fleeing like Japanese people in Tokyo when Godzilla begins his reign. And these were the words of the Sheep as they fled from the scene... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!
Now is this more like it???
No?...What am I missing here??? Oh, I know! I need to talk about a baby of some sort don't I...I gotcha covered.
Christmas Story Take 3... Action!
And the Angel Spake unto them saying, "Fear Not! for I bring your good tiding of great joy, which shall be to all people, For on this day, in the city of David is born a Saviour which is Christ the Lord" ...And there came a multitude of heavenly hosts which appeared and they began to sing with angelic voices singing "Glory to God in the highest and Peace on earth, good will towards men!!"
*Slight exhale of relief*  That's the one I was thinking of, thanks for helping me friends. Now on to the real girth of the week that you have all been waiting for.
This past week was super fantastic! We had lots of opportunities to teach with our members, we had the great privilege of seeing hundreds of baby Jesus nativities and we were able to hear the angelic choirs sing their praises to the new born King...Well he isn't new born anymore, but we still celebrate it anyway! Now, there might be some confusion, because people think we Mormons are weird and do weird things, but I am here to let you know that we celebrate the Birth of Jesus for the same reason the angels the first time were celebrating. This reason is that because the long awaited time for Christ to come forth and perform his labors had finally come. And when he came, the faith that we placed in him in the pre-mortal existence was beginning to take form and the miracle of the Atonement of Jesus Christ was becoming a reality. This was a spectacular event, that many people now a days turn away as not, however, I will not be blinded by commercialism, I will remember my God, I will remember my Savior, and I will remember my King, for on this day in the city of David was born my own personal Savior, He was born for me, and you too, but to me it is more personal to think that he was born so that I may live again. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I pray that all of you may come to this same realization in your own lives. Remember the true meaning of the Holiday season and don't be afraid to share it with those you love. If every one of us were to reach out to just one person this time of year, I can promise that hundreds will feel the Love of the Savior and will desire him as I do. I wish all a Merry Christmas!
Love ya,
Elder Wheeler
p.s. By the way it is transfer week, I am staying put.  My new Companion is Elder Hinckley and we are going to see many baptisms, so start sending the prayers, because they will be answered!
P.p.s MOM!!! I know that you have your hands full, and that things just seem to be going crazy for you, but if you wouldn't mind, fix the Typos on your mother's e-mails for her. She has told me of her desire for a typo catcher so I figured I would recommend someone... Love ya!!! oh and TyPos!!!


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