Letter From Kelson - Week #66 Part 1 - Imagination Required (Insert a Catchy, but Awkward Title so that you feel creative)
Editor's (Mom's) Note:
Sorry about the delay in getting Kelson's emails out from the past few weeks. I was unable to work my magic on his emails from my cell phone at Boy Scout National Jamboree.
This week's email is actually 2. The first is a prime example of Kelson being silly and consists of an email conversation we had yesterday while he was writing the REAL letter.
He wanted me to send the entire conversation out to you, so here goes...
Kelson's First Volley:
Good Morning From Sunny California!!!
I hope that the people in which I have placed great trust, You, can use your imagination and come up with a better title than I can. I am suffering from a huge brick wall of writers block that causes the creative juices to ooze out of my ears and into a glass which my Zone Leaders are now drinking because they seem to want me to become a little bit less embarrassing. (Just Elder Maxfield)
*snatch* I have a glass of creative juices now, no Preservatives and No High Fructose Corn syrup, here we go, "DOWN THE HATCH"
Refreshing, so now that I feel like I can type something positively exciting and beyond the imagination of any little 7 year old with the mind of Stephen Hawking and the wit of a toothbrush I guess I should ask you what you want to hear... So what do you want to hear from me? Please respond to this e-mail quickly for I only have a limited amount of time. Thanks.
Love ya,
Elder Wheeler
p.s. Mother, I expect only the best grammatical corrections out of you, If they are not up to my standard I will be forced to provide you with 15 lashings with a wet noodle.
My Response:
This is an incredibly short email. Is there another one coming?
What do you think? I expect responses within 10 mins, you had better send it quick so I can know what to type on.
p.s. Don't forget about the Typos
My Response:
I'm the only one to see the message that quick. ..
Ron Rice wants to hear the "Reflections of an Elder at a nudist beach".
See what you get when you leave your topic up to your audience?
The reflection was too much, there are only white people there and I was blinded by the white the first time I tried to look. I think God doesn't like those kind of things. Sorry Ron, no dice on my experience.
oh, come on Mom work it out somehow
My Response:
So, what email am I going to send out to the masses and post on the blog?
I think you might figure it out...just have faith, repent, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost and then endure to the End.
Love ya,
Put the whole conversation!!!
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