Letter From Kelson - Week # 63 - No Hablo Taco Bell!!!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!! 

For all of those wondering, my high school Spanish was a waste of my time, talent and energy, but then again, I didn't put a lot of effort into it anyway, so I guess it is what I put into it...Darn, I just thought that was a catchy saying that the kids were using these days... My Spanish is not coming along, and I don't think I will have to worry too much about it, because I know that the Lord has my back, or at least my tongue on special order if need be. He is a pretty smart Father, and he knows exactly what I may need, so If He tells me to be a Spanish missionary, I will butcher it until he tells me to stop...hehe 

This week was something of superbnastical proportion!!! Yeah, I went there...What ya going to do? We have had so much going on I have not even had time to get a new planner. I have been using my old one all week. And I won't get a new one until Tuesday.  It was a supply problem, not me, however I am able to suffice without it. Anyway, the reason this week was so superbnastical, is we Finally had 2 INVESTIGATORS TO CHURCH!!! WAHOOOO!!! It was awesome! The first time since I have arrived in Stockton that we have been blessed with people who actually wanted to come to church. This is a huge milestone, because that means they are that much closer to baptism and that means that Elder Badger and I are that much closer to having to start all over again!!! I love it! The ending, seems kind of depressing, but who cares!? It is a baptism, someone is taking the step of changing their life towards Christ and covenanting with God to make everything better in their life!  Actually, one of the people who came to church accepted the baptismal date of July 27th, and he is working hard to reach that date. We will probably meet with him tomorrow and try to stress the importance of his habit cutting and then show him how to do it through Christ.  Also, I am praising Grandmas right now, because there was a family who had an active member grandma come into town and we were able to see these two young boys make it to church as well as their mother!!! And these boys want to get baptized too!!! 

THIS IS TOTALLY WICKED!!!  (Modified Movie Quote, Guess it)

Stockton is chock full of people who just want to know what to do right, and I guess we are here to steer them in the right direction. I pray for a continuance of this great and wonderful happy time as we work hard and remain diligent to God's command. 

Now,my letters wouldn't be complete without me telling you about how I hurt...

Oh wait, Next time...

Love the work, Love the people, Love the Weather, what more could I ask for...? A ferrari, big house...oh never mind, just some people who want to join the church

Elder Wheeler

p.s. MOM!!! I know you are busy doing mom stuff, but you know you could help a brotha out and fix those typos or grammatical errors...Thanks! 

P.p.s. I didn't hurt myself, but I bet you face palmed just thinking about it...

P.p.p.s. This letter seems really short, and I think it needs more meat, so I am going to add this ridiculous triple post script so that it makes it seem much longer than it really is, and then you, the Reader, will get a quick chuckle because well, I am acknowledging the fact that this is a short letter and then writing to tell you about it, and it is just situationally weird so it makes for a good laugh.  You are now having a brighter day and I feel like I am writing about a really long week, but really I am just writing a bunch of fillers because this is how I made it through High School English...Just keep writing until it is so full of words that they stop reading and just accept that you know what you are writing about and will just give you an A...Is it working? Have you stopped reading, or are you going to continue until I am blue in the fingers? I can go on forever, ask my mother.  She hasn't ever heard me speechless, at least I don't think, and then when that happens some huge event is made from this lack of words. Ok, well I am going to stop writing now, because I am bored of staring into this computer screen and need to go get some real work done. OK, see ya!!!

Love again,
Elder Wheeler


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