Letter From Rhys - Week #30 - Transfers! Results!

Buenas lunes from the tropical land of the Republica Dominicana!

This week’s letter is going to be short and sweet because

1 – not much has happened this week and

2 – I don’t have much time...

Anyway, last week I sent a little photo of something my companion made for me asking who’s my next companion! Well, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, things of all shapes and sizes. The results are in and Elder Wheeler is.........


Where you may ask?  Well, it’s a magical and not so far away place called La Llave! Which means the key. The key to what exactly? I have no freaking idea!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂  But, my new companion is Elder Walker and he’s from Jamaica.

From what I have heard he’s super cool and our area is tiny. It’s like 3 blocks, but we’ll see how big it really is!  I’ll send pictures of me and my new companion when I can get them!  Anyway, I have spent basically the last few days packing everything in my house to go to my next area.

It’s been really fun to teach the people in the Ward of Las Americas Dos but my time has come and I must take my leave! Farewell, asphalt, the dirt roads are calling my name! My area isn’t really a campo or farm area but I do hear they have dirt roads and not asphalt. I also hear there’s a place where I can go cave diving in my area so I’m super pumped!

Well that’s really all that I have to share this week.  I’m sorry to cut it short! But I will share a couple of photos of the action Elder Chu has gotten this past week!


Going forth with the Vision of Christ and an eye of Faith,

Elder Rhys Wheeler

P.S. Mom. Typos please! Thanks!

[Mom’s note:  Cave diving?  Really?  Silly Boy, he can’t go swimming.  SMH]

Rhys' last District/Zone before transfers

The Hermanas sure do LOVE Elder Chu 

Elder Chu keeps watch over Elder Wheeler every night.


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