Letter from Kelson - Week #3

Good Morning Sunny California!!! Guess what time it is... MISSION TWO YEAR NEWS!!! On our last segment we covered what happened during week 2. And it has found itself to be week 3. At this time though I am kind of breaking the rule of the e-mailing home, because I don't have P-Day until tomorrow. However, because of unfortunate placing of plane flights and such, I must sacrifice my P-day for this week. Please don't judge my actions, I am doing laundry and don't have anything else to do while I wait. This past week has blown by, like a fart in the wind, or something a bit more pleasant (Farts and poop are the only things that Elder's find funny in the MTC). Anyway an update on my teaching ability is this, I suck at life...My teaching is kind of the worst, and I really didn't know what I was talking about when comes to the Gospel. Now I am not saying I don't know what I believe, but I am saying that I don't know how to put my beliefs into simplistic terms. This last week, caused me to understand this and also try to make it better. I am not discouraged though because I will be in California in a little bit over 24 hours, and I know the Lord will make up for my short comings. Update on my investigator that I have been teaching. For all who are listening/reading Pat Raesly is getting baptized on June 5th, the sad news is he isn't a real investigator, he is my teacher acting as an investigator and helping us learn to teach via role play. I actually taught 2 teachers, a real non-member, and helped re-activate a less-active couple. Although there was the disappointment that my 2 (felt like real) investigators were my teachers, everything else was real, and through those role plays I learned the best way to help those people. I love my companion, I love my district, and I will miss the half of them that are going to Phoenix AZ. We have grown together, and have learned so much from each other that I am sad to see them go. But there is one elder in my district that is so uncannily like me I think I will use the term uncanny again. It is so uncanny!!! His name is Elder Melling and he is from Spanish Fork UT. He has a lot of the same gospel ideas, he has the same abhorrence of disrespect to any person, but mainly Sisters, and he likes a lot of the same pasttimes that I do. He doesn't, however, tell jokes like I do (If he did I would have to worry if he was my clone). Lately I have been kind of his counselor, he feels inadequate in the scriptures/teaching ability and has been super down on himself because he really does love the people he teaches. This is one thing that I kid of wish that I could know exactly how he feels, but without the depression. I have been working with him and we have become great friends. I am really glad he is one of the Elders coming with me to California. My companion is a riot and a half, he has recently been promoted to senior companion and I have been demoted (just to help us feel what it is like). Since he has been promoted he doesn't want to be called the senior companion, but instead he wants his name to be COBRA COMMANDER. Which I am totally okay with because it just adds humor to our companionship. We teach very well, and we have told by many people that we have great unity in our lessons. I don't know how we pulled it off or how we really are doing, but the thing is we Love each other. Often we joke around with each other and we just start arguing about which is better soccer, or basketball, but in the midst if arguing we then just tell each other we hate each other and count the days until we are separated. We do this in the most sarcastic way possible because we get along just like best friends who have known each other for more than 5 years. We have a blast and I am glad that I got a super companion who feels he can be called COBRA COMMANDER and not really have it mean anything. Time for question and answer time with me your host and anchor ELDER KELSON WHEELER!!! This section of the programming is set aside for the answering of questions posed by the viewing audience. If you would like your question answered on the air, you will need to submit them in the week prior so they can be answered. Please submit via e-mail, hand-written letters, and or the Holy Ghost's ability to talk through telepathy. I miss all of my loyal viewers, my friends who are residing in the Midwestern United States, the ones who are reading from BYU, and the ones who are getting married and haven't told me themselves (had to find out through the gossip chain...*cough* Megan *cough*). I Love you all and I would just like to leave you with my testimony as of right now at the end of the MTC. I know that my Saviour Jesus Christ Lives, I know that his Gospel has been restored to the Earth again through his Latter-day Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. Our Father in Heaven, and Jesus Christ Love all his children, which includes everyone, and that they have provided a plan to help us receive and enjoy the blessings of exaltation. I have learned so much since I have been here and I know that what so ever we ask in pray, be it through an unwavering faith, no matter how small it may be, but unwavering in desire and need that he will provide a way for us his children to receive an answer and or know the truth of his word. I love what I am doing, I love what I stand for, and I love the people of California. I may not have met them yet, but I know that I love them because I love Christ and through that Love I desire to love all. Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works and you will see miracles, truth uncloaked and the Love of Christ in your life. Until next week, just remember that this is MY WAY OF MISSIONARY! And I will stick to it! In the Service of our Loving Heavenly Father, Elder Kelson Wheeler P.s. Mom Typo Check!!!! And I am glad you are safe in Denmark. Love you MOM and hope you had a magnificent Mother's Day.


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