Letter from Kelson - Week #5

Good Morning Sunny California!!!! This past week has been a huge explosion of success and then recoil in the opposite direction. Oh my heavens it was crazy, so we started the week with the intent of having 2-3 investigators with baptismal dates and being solid in those commitments. Lets just say that that didn't happen at all....GRRRR. I just wish that the people who we are teaching would listen to the spirit that is there in our lessons and just say "Glory Hallelujah, I will be baptized tomorrow!!!". But alas it was not meant to be. My companion and I have been humbled quite a bit as we have struggled to help these chosen sons and daughters of God make that first step towards their eternal salvation. AS we have been humbled we have grown together as a companionship and I feel like this is the best way for me to be trained. We get along just fine, we have long discussions about how we make golden investigators out of our current ones, and then we laugh and are upset because it doesn't work that way. After we are done talking about those who are denying the Christ...jk We talk about the girls in our lives, and how he has his girl-friend waiting for him and she has been super faithful and encouraging about him finishing his mission. I feel that she is perfect for him and I am here to destroy his doubts....hehe. Anyway the work is still going forward we have had a few developments in some of the people we are teaching. The Spirit was so strong at a few of our lessons that this gangster of guy started to tear up as we talked about repentance and such, look up Alma 36. It was pretty sweet and then we had a couple of return appointments with him and he is way excited to be baptized, however, we need to get him to come to church...grrr Thus the frustration with people. We have taught a whole lot of lessons comparatively to past weeks, and we have ridden our bikes from one side of the area to the next. So far my bike has about 130 miles on it, and it is only week 2 in the field. But I got my first flat, some tree decided to throw thorns at me and cause my tire to de-flat as we were providing service for a Catholic Church...isn't that Ironic. Which brings me to a thank you that I must publicly announce...Thank You Father for the extra gift in my care package, that was hidden in my socks, I found it the morning of my tires death. Thou art truly inspired to aid me in the calling that I have accepted. This e-mail is going to be quite short because I have just a lot of random logistical stuff that we have been doing and nothing that is so fantastic that I feel like writing a novel about it this week. But I hope that the Lord with bless us with a miracle that we will have one of the many halting investigators move past their road block and become truly converted unto Jesus Christ. I know My Saviour lives, and loves me, and those I teach. I will proclaim this into every ear I can and strive to be worthy of the Spirit that causes the true conversion of the people. I am thankful for my ability to just talk to people and have pleasant conversation with people, that I then can lead into Gospel Principles. Glory -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- The E-mail just sent....grrr Any way Glory to God in the Highest and I hope to hear from everyone in due time, but don't feel obligated to write. I would love to hear about your lives and how things are going, however, I just hope that I am blessing your lives as you watch this glorious work go forth. If you would like me to write you personally send me an address and I will do my best to write you individually so that we can connect and help each other on a more personal level. God Bless and Know that you are Loved, Elder Kelson Wheeler P.s. Mom you know the drill right? I love you!!! and Father


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