Letter From Rhys - Week #14 - Baptisms in Paradise

Feliz Lunes from the tropical land of Republica Dominicana!

The title of this letter may lead you to believe that we’ve had more baptisms this past week. Well... you’re not wrong but they’re not ours!  We had a baptism this past weekend in our ward and they really didn’t plan it so us being invited to said baptism put it all together in a 30-min time period. Boy was that stressful.

We also had many interviews for the Hermanas (Sister Missionaries) in our district this week and also lots of cosechas! Which means that we have not been in our area very much this past week just like the week before! However, this week the stress is real! We have four people with baptismal dates for this upcoming Saturday and there’s a lot we need to do to get them prepared for it! Two of them are young girls Juliani (9) and Jennifer (11) who are super excited to be baptized and they learn very quickly!  

We also have two adults Nadia (30´s) and Rafael (30´s) This week we are rushing to get Rafael Married!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY! This is huge for him and his wife who’s already a member. Were also prepping them for the temple which is super exciting! Nadia, is also an amazing person but she doesn’t speak Spanish! She speaks Kreyol! So, every time we visit we bring someone who can translate for us!

Also, we have found many more people who are ready for baptism whom we’re preparing for next month! Since we have had very little time in our area we’ve had no time to teach! BUT! All is well here in this part of Zion! We have finishing appointments this week to get all of our investigators prepped for this week end.

Today We returned to the wonderful caves of Tres Ojos (3 eyes). This time Elder Chu got more spotlight and has become quite the character in our zone. The Hermanas and others have requested I bring him to the district meeting on Thursday!  We ran into a whole bunch of Americans today at the Tres Ojos and two of the families were members! It was pretty awesome and we got to take some pictures with them!

Elder Chu has had quite the adventure this transfer and many more to come! I’m going to try to upload a whole bunch of photos of him for you all and my Mom’s going to make a special page on the Elder Wheeler Blog for all the word to see the Adventures Of Elder Chu! She won’t know about this until she actually reads my letter so enjoy the entertainment folks!  Sidenote... Mom I need you to make a file or folder or something on the blogspot for Elder chu! Thanks!!!!

This week has flown by so fast. OhHHHH!  Quick flash back to this past Saturday to right before our baptism in the ward.  We had a Cosecha in one of our neighboring areas.  After this Cosecha the Elders in that Area told us that there was a route that took us back to our area without having to take a second carito. So we followed them to a wonderful street that was kind of in the middle of nowhere and we waited for 15 min for a carito that did not exist! and so we ended up walking back to our area. We had to walk past the Park of the East (Parque Del Este) which spans about 3.5 miles and has about 9 square miles of just stuff everywhere! This place is awesome though we haven’t gone yet! But to cut a long story short we walked for 75 min and bought 4 pineapples for 100 pesos along the way. It was totally worth the 100 pesos but it did waste a lot of our time!

Well that’s all for today my faithful followers! I´m Glad you all come back to hear my wonderful stories full of stress fun and excitement! And Until Next time...

Go Forth with the vision of Christ and an eye of Faith!

Elder Rhys Wheeler


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