Letter from Rhys - Week # 9 - HAPPY P-DAY!!!!!!!!!

Felice Lunes from the tropical land of Republica Dominicana!!!!

Shout out to my mother who turns the big 5-0 this Wednesday! You can take that out if you want Mom. Happy Birthday!  I know I’m 2 days early but what can I say?  I guess I was just born like that!  Well on the bright side you get to eat twice as much cake usually!  Not anymore though 😏.

Anywho... This week has been Legen... wait for it..... Dary!!!!  We had some pretty amazing miracles happen this past week.  Before that, we found out that the church is going to be making BOOK OF MORMON VIDEOS!!!!!!!!! You know like they did with the New Testament ones of Christ’s ministry.

Now that that’s out of my system, here’s the low down.  This week was pretty crazy because we were supposed to have 2 baptisms this past weekend.  I’ll start by saying they got postponed to this weekend.  One of the investigators we were preparing could only be taught in the mornings and she still needed to be taught the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity.  Sadly, all of our mornings up until Thursday were occupied!  Monday was P-day, Tuesday we had a zone contacting activity with the Book of Mormon, and Wednesday we had Zone Conference!  Well, despite all of this, we were still able to teach her Thursday morning and she’s committed to live both.  

We also had a hard time finding our other investigator who was to be baptized because he was never home.  Also on Thursday, the Lord put him right in our hands and were able to teach him as well! These may not seem big because of how they are delivered but they are huge!!!!  That same day we visited a couple of investigators that were not progressing...  

With both of our visits we decided to read the Book of Mormon with them!  With the first family, it was awesome! The spirit was sooooo strong and you could tell that their hearts were changing once again for the better. We read 2 Nephi chapter 4, for those who are interested.  Once again, they have started to progress!

Another, was an investigator named Jeff. He’s this cool guy from Haiti!  Anyway, we taught him the plan of salvation in the previous lesson, and then we invited him to be baptized but he said he wanted to be baptized with his wife.  He said it was because he wanted to have the blessing of an eternal family and he was going to share it with her.  After about a week, we finally got to teach him AND HIS WIFE JOINED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was sooooo awesome!  We now have a date set for him and his wife to be baptized on the 4th of November! Its super exciting!

Next.... Today’s report! 

God has decided to bless us with 3 inches of rain and thunderstorms this morning.  It was a nice gift for me I’m pretty sure, since I love thunderstorms.

We also travelled to a wonderful place called the Blue Mall that’s actually in the Santo Domingo West Mission.  This place was so fancy that I felt like I needed to carry $1,000,000 just to be in there!  We looked around at some stores and they had some very amazing stuff.  Because we’re not supposed to look like tourists I didn’t take pictures... sorry!  But this place also had a Hard Rock Cafe!!!!!!!!!!!  Let’s just say we went there for lunch.  It was very pleasant too, because they brought out 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream with a sparkler candle just for me!  It’s almost like they thought it was my birthday or something.  What's that all about?  I also took the opportunity to by a nice Hard Rock Cafe Santo Domingo glass as a souvenir. It was very cool! 

Well I’m afraid that’s all for today folks.  It was an honor talking with you all and I hope you all enjoy the gift that God gave you...Life.

Going forward with the vision of Christ,

Elder Rhys Wheeler!!!!!


P.P.S typos please!!!!!!! 


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