Letter from Rhys - Week # 10 - Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts!!!!!!

Feliz Lunes from the tropical land of Republica Dominicana!

Sadly I can’t really remember all that has happened this week though I have it written in my journal, which happens to not be with me right now :-)  So, I’ll just talk about the things that are most memorable!

This past Saturday, WE HAD A BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!  It was a cool young man named Brian.  He's 11 and has been attending church on his own for quite some time now.  Anyway, it was such a cool experience to go to the service and perform the baptism.  We actually showed up late, sadly, because my companion Elder Smith, also being our district leader, had to go to Ozama at 3:00 to do a baptismal interview for the Hermanas [Sister Missionaries] in that area.  They’re super cool, by the way, and there’s a picture coming in with some photos that I’m uploading as I’m typing!!!!! YAY! Finally, Photos!!!!!!!!!

We also had to do a couple more interviews these past couple days too, so basically Friday and Saturday we didn’t get much time to proselyte... Anyway, I said I don’t remember much of this past week because it all kind of blurs together.

I also have been suffering from a continuous sinus headache for the past week and a half... YAAAAAAAY! (not really)  It sucks!  I never knew how much snot and phlegm that my body could actually produce!  It’s soooooo annoying!

Well, on the bright side I had my regular interview with the Mission President last week and he's sooooo AWESOME!!!!!!  Presidente Smith is so cool and his wife is also pretty chill!  They actually brought me and another sister a cake that we could eat to celebrate our birthdays.  She happened to share the same birthday as my mother.  I don’t remember her name... sorry...

Oh and if you didn’t get the hint, last Monday was in reality my birthday. LOL!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  But my birthday or not, every day I spend here is totally worth every single moment.  When everybody says the mission is the best 2 years (or 18 months for those sistersπŸ˜‰) of their lives, they’re not lying!!!!  And I’ve only been out for 2 months!!!!!!!!!

This letter’s short this week, and for that I apologize, but I will do my best next time to make sure I remember all the little details for my biggest fans!!!!  OH, by the way, The Lord tells us not to worship idols so don’t worship me... Worship Him☝☝☝*cough*  Our Heavenly Father *cough, cough*  I Love you all until I’m a big bag of genocide! (Reese's Pieces) Get it?  LOL!!!!!  

I hope your weeks are awesome and all is well back in the US of A!

Going forward with the vision of Christ!

Elder Rhys Wheeler!

P.S. Mommy! I love you so. Also as Jesus said, "If ye love me, [ fix my typos]" Love you!!!!!!

P.P.S. To avoid apostasy, Jesus really didn’t say that but we should keep his commandments! YAY!


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