Letter From Rhys - Week # 7 - Field Work for Days!!!!!!!!

This is Elder Wheeler reporting from the tropical land of Republica Dominicana! I stopped using que lo que because its slang and the Lord has asked us not to use slang in even our letters home.  I pray that he will consecrate the effort I’m putting towards gathering his sheep!

The First Week in the field has been AMAZING!  There are so many people wanting to know about the gospel and getting to teach them keeps us busy. The hardest part is getting them to church! On the bright side were always busy!

We do a lot of walking and taking the cabs everywhere! It’s really interesting because they have this amazing system where you can fit 8 people in a little 4 person sedan!  It’s not for those who get claustrophobic! We had a lot of meetings this week too so I haven’t had much time to study or proselyte for that matter.

On Friday we had a fun time cooking for an investigator named Jenni. Jenni is awesome.  She has been taught by the missionaries before and has had all of the lessons. However, she never went to church so the missionaries dropped her (no longer contacting because she wasn’t progressing) without telling her. She had lost a lot of trust in the missionaries then but we’ve been able to gain it back!

She’s amazing and has taken plenty of time to study the material we gave her. We hope to have her and 4 others baptized by the end of the month. It’s nice because we always have investigators to teach an so we never have time to rest.

On Friday, we were able to go the temple as a zone and it was awesome! Everything was in Spanish but it was awesome! We also had the opportunity to attend General Conference this weekend. The 1st two sessions were in Spanish and I could understand very little but I did get the gist of some of the talks! During the Priesthood Session I saw Hermano Rodrigez, who works at the CCM. Turns out, he’s in our ward! He tried translating the conference into English but it didn’t last long.

He then went above and beyond! He set up his phone and Bluetooth speakers so we could watch it in English! It honestly made me cry a little because I was so happy I could understand and hear the inspired talks from the prophets and apostles of the church! It turn, I was able to be inspired and treasure up the word. He also set it up the next day so we could hear it for both Sunday sessions too!

During this time I had an realization of the wonders of the Lord. How Blessed are we that all of God’s Children are able to hear counsel and direction from His Holy prophets and apostles in their own language! It Is Wonderful and I stand all amazed!

The Lord is merciful to all those who believe and act on his name through those with the proper authority to do so. Throughout my time here, I realized how crucial it is that people are baptized by those who possess the proper authority of God.  By being baptized, we are following the example of the Savior. We also receive the promise that we will be exalted in the last days as we continue to follow Jesus Christ!

As I’ve taught this principle to so many, it’s amazing to see the light in people’s eyes as they continue to invite the Spirit of Christ into their lives! I’m blessed and they are blessed even more because of the faith they have to follow Christ!

That’s all I have for this week, so I’ll be signing off!  Because of the temple last week, our P-day got cut short so I don’t have much time today!

See you all Later!

Going forward with the vision of Jesus Christ!

Elder Wheeler

P.s. MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMY! typos! Thanks!


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