Pictures from Rhys - Weeks #1 - 3

Rhys was finally able to find a way to upload his pictures, so I thought I'd share several.  Some of them are a little blurry.  I think he was expecting the camera to be a touch more responsive.  There are quite a few here, so enjoy!  All time stamp dates are in the DD/MM/YYYY format and times are in 24HR clock.

Rhys and his friends a couple of hours before he left for the airport.  This group has spent many hours at my house playing Super Smash Bros.

Rhys and his travelling buddies in the Santo Domingo Airport, Dominican Republic

Elder Chu catching a ride through the airport.

This is the bus they all rode to the CCM from the Airport.  Check out those curtains!

The desk mentioned in his first letter!  Looks like Elder Chu has his own cubby.  Lets just hope they're not sloppy around the sink. LOL

Their study room the day after they arrived.  Check out those stacks of books!

Elder Wheeler and his companion Elder Welch (Juice man)

I think it's finally sinking in that they're in for a LOT of studying.  Don't they look super enthused?

Breakfast in the CCM
Another breakfast in the CCM

Lunch in the CCM

They look much more relaxed after they've been there a week.

It's P-day and the Elders are getting ready to go out for the afternoon.

Elders Anderson, Welch, Wheeler, and Averett (and Chu)

Look at me!  I climbed a tree!

Elder Chu visits the grounds of the Santo Domingo Temple

On the morning when Hurricane Irma was hitting the island full force, it doesn't look like they're too worried.


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