Letter From Kelson - Week # 95 - King Kong vs. Peanut Butter Jelly Time vs. The Member Missionary!!!!

Editor's (Mom's) Note:  Sorry this was so late coming out.  I had to make sense of what he was saying so you'd be able to understand it.  I think he was a little distracted when writing it.  

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!

It is soooooooooo Sunny and warm here in Sacramento, Geez I think I may just have to soak it all up. I mean, just look outside and take it all in, there are nice warm rays of sunlight beaming onto my uncovered arms as I am wearing a short sleeved shirt. The rain has parted and there is a nice median temperature of 68 degrees or so, and on top of all that I am able to drive safely and securely because the roads are clear of any type of water that would cause driving to be more difficult. I don't think anyone could ever be jealous of me when the weather is just soooooooo Wonderful! 

It has been another great week for missionary work everywhere! I think that there is a definite hastening of the Lord's work, and if you are not a part of it, it stinks to be you because this is the most legit time to be a missionary. People are ready to hear the gospel.  They have been prepared and are seeking the truth wherever they can find it. Luckily for us we have the truth so it makes it easy for us to say... "hey, over here!!!" It works too. We are teaching a lot of solid people who are willing and wanting to be baptized, plus they are willing to put in the effort to keep commitments! Thank you God for hastening the work, it makes finding much easier, but that doesn't mean we don't need help. There are very few of those contacts that walk up to you, or you to them, and they say something around the lines of... "I think you are really cool, and the things you do are awesome, why do you do it? I want to be like you" This is what we call a golden contact and they tend to keep the commitments and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. These come about as often as my brothers take a break from League of Legends, which if any of you know my brothers it is not often enough. But that doesn't mean that we wait for those Golden Questions, we go out and make our success. I call it Planned Happenstance, instead of mere coincidence. 

We can plan our success and help other come to know of the happiness that can come through abiding by the precepts contained within the scriptures. We just need to show others what the Gospel does for us.  For instance, when you go to work in the morning, are you happy or sad?  If you are sad and tired someone might think you need a coffee to wake you up. Then when they ask you about why you don't drink coffee, do you respond, "Well my church tells me no" or do you respond, "I do it because it makes me happy, I know that God will bless me for keeping this commandment" (Molly Mormon response) or "I don't drink it because I don't see a reason to, but my church also advises against it."  If either of those last two were your response, you are doing a great job at sharing the gospel, but your face needs to be in it too...so don't be sad, be GLAD!! Then after these statements two things could happen, you co-worker will say "oh, ok" or, "What, ok, please explain because I don't see why not"...BAM!!! Perfect lead in to sharing your testimony about the church. If you also want to know a cheater way to explain stuff like that, just say "Hey, I have these two friends, that are way nice, like super nice if you ask me, but anyway they just love to answer the weird question that people have about our church, would you be down to coming to dinner at my house sometime and then quizzing them on the answers to those questions?, I know those guys would be totally stoked to have someone ask them questions?"... Gospel sharing done, now the missionaries can do the work. Your friend will come over because you are offering free food, and then the missionaries will do their job. And if things go in the way of "I'm not interested guys" then they don't like the missionaries and not you, because you gave them a free meal, who is going to hate you after that. And the missionaries don't care because they will be transferred soon, so it doesn't bother them at all. You would be surprised at how many people will take you up on the offer to come have dinner with you. But don't be creepy about it, because then your friends will not like you or the missionaries. If they say "No" still be their friend it is ok, we don't kick you out of the church because you have friends who aren't members, if they did, I would have been kicked out long ago. 

Missionary Work in a nut shell... 

I want to tell you of the most comical experience I had this past week and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. 

Missionary Work in YSA (Young Single Adult units) is super fun, because we get to go on to the Sacramento State University campus and just talk to all sorts of people. We talk to the activists, we talk to the jocks, we talk to those who seem overly infatuated with the grain of the sidewalk that they never looked anywhere else. As we were talking to everyone, there was a nice man who came up to us, but he had some bad news, he was wearing a badge and had a stern message that we were probably not supposed to be proselyting on the campus without special permission/paperwork because we might be impeding someone else's freedom of religion. Anyway, after we finished talking to him, we decided to search out the truth behind this and make sure we were in line talking to these people with all the correct permission. It was like looking for leprechauns without a rainbow, we went one place and they told us to go to another place, and then we went to that other place and they told us something different. We finally found out that we don't need permission from anyone, we just need to be dignified and nice, and accept when people tell us no. Which means keep doing what I was already doing. YAY!!! But what is the comical part of this whole thing you may ask?, I am about to explain.  

While going on this wild goose chase, My companion and I find some very interesting things on this campus of higher education and learning. There he stood, 35 stories tall, I thought I was looking into the eye of the Tiger (do do dooo doo dood oddoood, sorry started singing the song), he was massive, his fur was dark as the evening sky, and fluffy like a mid summer cloud. His hands engulfed great multitudes of people at once and made them look like the ants that the sidewalk dwellers where staring at, his mouth was as great as many mountains and his saliva made the land of many waters look like a kids blow up pool. I stared deep into his soul and I asked one simple question... "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" At that moment there was a scream and a flash of yellow and the craziest looking creature came running across my view. He was Yellow and long, and he ran super fast, as if he was running from the creature that I had been standing in front of staring down. I couldn't understand exactly what he was saying, but it was catchy and fun, with a few side to side dance moves and the continuous mentioning of America's favorite lunch time sandwich, the Peanut Butter and Jelly. The first monster than grabbed this yellow man from off of the ground and began to eat him alive...I saw some really horrific things, that I never want to see again, I don't think I will ever be able to eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich again, it was so bad. There was sooooooooo much yellow stuff oozing out of this guy's body that I thought he might be a banana, but I was so traumatized that I couldn't put a name on his fruit type. After this horrific scene and the loss of my companion's lunch we were able to take a picture with these two fine gentleman and I will send it next week. I have forgotten my camera today. 

Have a wonderful week full of sunshiny days and warm weather!!! 

Love ya,
Elder Wheeler

p.s. mother I love you sooooooooooooo Much, but I will love you more if you correct my TYPOS!!!!! ;)


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