Letter From Kelson - Week # 79 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN... oh wait, I don't get to trick or treat... :(

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is here! Halloween has arrived and I am sooooooooo excited! Except for the little hiccup of my not being able to participate. I want to dress up like a Pokemon and just run around claiming I am still in my youth, but that I am a really big kid. That would be awesome! Call me childish if you want, but I already knew I, so you will need to come up with something I don't know. Seeing as how Halloween is this week, we as missionaries will be spending the evening in one of our buildings watching the new hit movie "Ephraim's Rescue" (only a hit to members of the church, and those who love inspiring movies) and having a huge dinner provided by the Relief Society Sisters of 3 different congregations. They are so nice here. I could just die from utter joy and happiness.
But I know that the only reason you tune into this channel is because you want to know what has happened, not about my plans for the future. Seeing as how I am such a nice guy. I guess I will enlighten you on the past shenanigans of this week.
Had a lesson with this guy who wanted to get baptized the next day!! Uh WHAT!?!?! Yeah it was crazy, we were just as shocked as you are. Then we talked to some people and worked some things out; but it wasn't possible to baptize him the next day. It was just too soon, now the reason it was for the next day is because he drives a 18-wheeler and is only in town for a few days. We are still working with him, we are calling him while he is away, helping to give him encouragement to go to church wherever he is in the US and then reading scriptures with him and helping him to progress. That way, when he gets back in February or so, he can be baptized.
Then we have been struggling to add people to our teaching pool, but we didn't lose hope because that would be utterly preposterous. What kind of missionary loses hope?! We might have been playing on the edge of the cliff in danger of falling off "Hope Mountain", but we have seen way too many miracles to start doubting now. At the end of the week we were out and about and we stopped this kid on a bike. He was totally in need of the Gospel, between his recent move, and the disappointment of not being admitted to college, he needed a good uplifting word. That is what we gave him. I nice pat on the back and a Book of Mormon in hand. We set up another appointment with him, and unfortunately he wasn't there, but he will be there when we go back. I know it! And then God felt compassion on us. He told some other elders to stop and talk to this girl, and so they did, and now we are teaching her because she fell into our jurisdiction since we cover the Young Singles. She is pretty awesome, and she said she would be baptized on the 30th of November!!! WAHOO!!! Miracle! However, God didn't stop there. He then allowed us to struggle all day on Sunday trying to achieve our daily goals. As we struggled, he kept pushing us to try harder, he kept saying, "just keep going I have work yet for you to do."  Then as we showed up, a wee bit late, to our dinner appointment, He said "This is the time you've been waiting for!" We walked up to the door, and I made the brief comment to my companion, "These people are going to have a new investigator sitting at their dinner table for us, and we will be able to achieve our lessons taught to a member present goal, and our new Investigator goal, and receive another referral" I said this in a jovial manner that could have been taken as to be making light of our situation...Little did I know that the Lord was just waiting on the other side of the door with exactly that. We were able to talk about the Gospel quite a bit with this member's less active son and his non-member girlfriend!!! Then we set up the return appointment, gave a Book of Mormon away with a reading assignment, and ended our evening...
WHAT!!! This only happens in the Movies!!
It happened ladies and gentleman and I guess I will have to just have to say WOW!!
That was my Hollywood moment for the week, but I think this is way better than Hollywood, because this isn't faker than fake. This is really what happened and I believe that if I keep doing what is right then I will see more awesome things happen in my life, the kind of things some people only think happen in the movies. I  believe this is the end of my weekly epistle as some may say to my lovely readers back home, but I want you to know that I have a testimony of the truthfulness of the message that I am sharing. i know sometimes I write funny stories, or accounts where I am injured in some way, but that doesn't change the fact the Miracles are happening, lives are changing and that this work is the work of God.  I just get to work for him for a wee bit. I love what I am doing and would never ever ever ask for anything else. I wish I could stay forever. Just don't tell my mother, she wouldn't allow that. She has kind of grown attached to me. I guess I'll serve my time and go from there. Love you all!
Elder Wheeler
P.s. This is TRADITION, that makes it OK... TYPOS MOTHER!!!!! Love ya


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