Letter from Kelson - Week # 68 - Movin' on UP and not sure how to come DOWN... ;\

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!! 

I love this Work!!! !It is crazy the things that happen when you apply yourself, work hard, eat right, and have a bowl of "Whoop, There it is" in your pocket! This past week was awesome, and I am sad to say that it must end with change and a hard change at best. This past week we went and saw as many people as we possibly could, we taught lessons, we worked hard, I forgot to eat right, but there were a bunch of people who wanted to eat with us later so it worked out in the end and the results that are in this amazing letter come to this. 

Judge #1:  9.5
Judge #2:  9.4
Judge #3:  9.7

The Judges Agree that Arturo is going to get Baptized on August 24th!!! We announced it in church on Sunday and the ward was welcoming and excited to see that there is going to be yet another member added to the congregation. his family is so solid, I must say they are the best family in all of Stockton, besides the Garcia's, but they are moving soon so it works out in the end. I love being able to help these people because it is moments like this past week that really make the Gospel shine. Now you are all probably wondering what i mean by that, well let me tell you.

This past week Arturo's family went through a huge ordeal and things were crazy, they made me cringe and wonder if what I had taught Arturo was going to help him as he found a need for much prayer and faith. When the ordeal occurred we just received a message which said pray for us, we need some help. As we prayed we asked for guidance and direction for there family and it was granted unto them. The ordeal was really over by mid-week and Arturo said that before he would have cursed God, but now he is thanking him for the circumstances in which the ordeal occurred. We have a successful conversion ladies and gentlemen!!! He is super solid, and this ordeal brought his family even closer together and helped them to see the need for Jesus Christ in their lives. Now they are our best friends, and I hope that the Lady who takes care of my Facebook will accept their friend request when it comes (Hint Hint, Wink Wink).

In other news I have some good news and I have some bad news....The Bad News first:  I am being transferred into a Ward that totally YSA (Young Single Adult) work, which means I get to teach males and females from ages 18-31...I am really going to need that Thor's hammer that Kendra sent me about 2 months ago.  And the Good news is, that when it comes to YSA work, the only people who actually cover those areas are Zone Leaders, so by default I am now a Zone Leader and I need to learn how to take care of the problems of much more than 8 missionaries, more like 30!!! I will need more prayers and blessings because I am not sure how this will work, but God seems to qualify those who he calls.

I love all of you!  Keep in touch, remember that God made you special and He loves you very much!!!

Good Bye,

Elder Wheeler

P.s. Mother!!!! I waht you to Corect al me Typos@@@ 


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