Letter from Kelson - Week # 52 - ... ... ... This is a Recording!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!

So normally I come up with a catchy title/subject for my e-mails and then base the e-mails all on that, but this time I couldn't think about a catchy title/subject that I would talk about this week. I know you may feel at this time that Elder Wheeler has changed so much that his sense of humor is dwindling in unbelief (Book of Mormon joke), but please don't worry your head too much, he is just taking a break from writing you this week, he is spending time with his new Niece and I am the computer coming up with witty ways to explain that he is not here, because he has covertly flown to Utah to say hello and good-bye to his new friend and family member leaving his companion alone with the members of this ward. Please don't tell his mission president, they might revoke his ability to write home, which would make your lives pretty miserable, because then you can't read his witty e-mails every week and then your life will not be fulfilled and you might end up in a depression home from all of this downiness. If you would please keep that in mind as you are now putting the phone down and hanging up on his mission president.

When it comes right down to it, if we were to be absolutely hilarious every time we spoke/wrote then people wouldn't understand what exactly they were laughing at. Now I rest my case!

This past week we had a bit of a hard time, we had like 5 families that we normally use to fellowship investigators/help with lessons/are the Ward missionaries all decide to go on vacation all at the same time. Then on top of that, we had investigators forget about their appointments, family members die, and then exchanges!!! It was a week full of so many things going down it was almost a whole month's worth. But don't feel sorry for us, we still made it with a whole lot of lessons, and a baptism in the district. Can't you see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know I can. This is going to be an awesome transfer, when things start off this bad, things just naturally have to get better. There is a law that is unchanging, that when the bad gets going it is because you will eventually see the good. There is always something worse and there is always something better. 

We will be seeing the better this weekend with our baptism and then we will be blessed with another baptism in the district next weekend, and then the weekend after that we have 3 people scheduled for baptism...Thus the light at the end of the tunnel. Now we just need to go out and find people to replace those whom we are baptizing. That is the hard part, it almost feels like pulling teeth to find people to teach. There is only so much success you can find and have by knocking doors, there needs to be a bit of aid from the members of the ward, just because they are best friends with these people and they already have a relationship built, whereas, we as missionaries have to build one first then we can teach them the truth. These are some of the challenges that we are facing now, but it isn't something we can't overcome, it will just take some patience and a lot of inception...dun dun dunnnn. We can do it, Elder Hale is on the Case. 

I think I will name my e-mail not, but I will leave a blank for all to notice, please remember that when you pray for me, you pray for the people here in California, and that when you pray for your families that is helping me to not have to worry too much. Love ya all and wish for you the very best of life this soon to be Mother's day season. BTW, Mom, I will be talking to you in 3 weeks, so look out for that one. 

Love the Work,
Elder Wheeler



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