Letter from Kelson - Week #24 - Being Sick SUCKS!!!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!

It has cooled down sufficiently this past week and it is becoming wonderful!! I love this weather!! I wish It could be like this all the time. 

Enough about my weather enjoyment, and the fact the Ohio has no pull whatsoever on the weather side...except maybe the Thunder Storms and Tornadoes!!! I miss you so!!!! 

Now on to the good stuff. This past week I must say was pretty freaking awesome, except for the chronic nausea I had all week. It started Monday Night with Elder Leavitt being ill and him being such a gracious companion and passing it along to me. For the next 3 days I wasn't feeling good and he was absolutely fine after Tuesday morning. I learned a few things from this experience: 1. Don't comfort a sick companion or offer to make him feel better by serving him, remember no good deed goes unpunished. 2. Chili's doesn't taste good the second time around. 3. The Pearson's are the nicest people in the whole ward because they allowed me to use their bathroom as my hangover depository (I vomited in their bathroom, I wasn't drunk). After I started feeling good it was already Friday and we had a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. 

Along with illness, this week was filled with Drama, Intense movie theatrics, dark spirits and possible some wet underwear...ok maybe not the underwear but it was still freaky!!! On Tuesday night I had a hard time sleeping because of my recently contracted illness...*cough* Elder Leavitt *cough*. So I woke up around 1230 with really bad indigestion and needed some milk to calm my stomach. I walk out into our apartment, walk to the fridge, open the fridge, grab the milk, pour me a glass and then sit down on the couch to enjoy it. I drank it slowly and as I did I was looking around our dark apartment.  Across the room from the couch is a tall mirror that makes anyone who stands in front of it look sexy...so I found myself in front of it many times (Self-centered), but that isn't part of the story...anyway I looked at the mirror and I saw a dark personage sitting in the chair around our dining room table, I quickly stopped looking at the mirror and situated myself in a position of alert. I then thought how silly are you Kelson, to think that there is someone there, that is clearly not, but I would not attempt to look back into the mirror. As I finished my milk I moved toward the sink to rinse and put the milk away. I put the milk away and I finished another glass of milk, and as I stood there waiting to finish my milk I had a huge shiver go up my spine, and all the hairs on my back and neck and head stood up on end. I was just "freaking out MAN!!" I finished quickly, went to my bed and struggled to fall asleep. When I awoke in the morning, Elder Leavitt started telling me of an experience he was having that morning when he woke up. He said it felt like there was someone pulling down on the side of his mattress trying to crawl into his bed from the floor. He looked over at me and I was sound asleep. The pulling sensation moved up and down his mattress for almost 40 min. He was completely frozen until the alarm went off. I need to put this out there really quick....


Sorry I had a moment of complete terror, and couldn't hold back anymore.

We thought our apartment was being really weird so we had our Zone Leaders come and Consecrate our apartment and cast any weird spirits out of the place and it worked...but that still hasn't kept us from leaving a light on while we sleep, and for the first night Elder Leavitt slept on the top bunk instead of his bed. We were sufficiently scared, but we have overcome the fear and have had a goodnight sleep the past few days...with the light on...

That is my story of the week, other than that, the Work is going forward and all is well in the El Dorado Hills area. We are seeing great miracles and success and wish to see more. 
One thing I would like to end my letter with is this, I know that my Redeemer Lives, I found this out through my own study and prayer and no one else has told me what to think. I am my own person and I follow Christ because it is the only way. Just like Nephi states before he goes down to his grave, "There is no other person, nor name under heaven by which men are saved, other than by the sacred and holy name of Jesus Christ."  I loved Conference and implore all those who do not know what I am talking about, ask a member, if you want to watch it talk to my Dad and if you really want to know exactly what I am doing...have the missionaries over. They're great!!!

Holding on to the Iron Rod Firmly,
Elder Wheeler 


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