Good Morning From Sunny California!!! Have I told you that I may suffer from a minor case of the life destroying, grade killing, maybe even friendship ending addiction that brings many heart aches and pains to the life of those affected by it called... ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER!!!!!!!! or .... This past week was pretty good, we were able to see the baptism of a one Melissa G., who is pretty freakin' sweet if you ask everyone in the world. I don't know if she would approve of me saying this, but I want to congratulate her on her baptism and handling that baptismal font water LIKE A BOSS!!! She has a little fear of being pushed/submerged under water by other people and with baptism that is a very necessary requirement, being completely submerged in the water by someone holding the authority from God to do so. She sucked it up, she said "I am doing this thing! LEEEERRRROOOOOYYYYYY JEEENNNNKKKIIINSSS!!!" (all in her mind of course) and she went ...
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