Letter From Rhys - Week #17 - A White Christmas!

Buenas Lunes from the tropical land of the Republica Dominicana!

Since this land is very tropical, it’s obvious to know that we won’t actually have snow!  This White is a little different!  This white is the image of hundreds of people in white jump suits!  For baptism of course, because there’s no other reason to wear white jumpsuits; it’s a bad fashion statement!  Not that I really care about fashion.

Anyway, this week is going to be awesome because we have 3 baptisms this weekend and they are definitely happening!  This is super awesome because we are on track for another baptism next weekend as well!  That’s 4 baptisms this month and there are plenty more that we need to work with, too, who have amazing potential!  

The sad part is, this is the end of the transfer and so I don’t know if I will be in this area for the others.  If not, I don’t mind because the Lord will need my expertise in another area!  My Hope and goal as a missionary is to be the best tool I can be in the Lords hands!  This past week though was also very awesome.

Last Thursday, We had the opportunity to go to the temple grounds with an investigator. She’s Haitian and so we had to take another person who could speak creyol for us.  This wasn’t a problem and it was a fantabulous experience for her and us. We were also able to teach her the plan of salvation and the role the temple plays in this great plan of happiness!

On Friday, I had the opportunity to go on exchanges with my Zone Leader, Elder Dayton.  This Guy is fantastic and together we had a lot of success in the 24 hours that we spent in my area!  Unlike the exchange that I had this past transfer with another Elder, all of our appointments didn’t fall!  We had the chance to teach every single person we had scheduled for that day!

On Saturday, we were able to take the same investigator that left with us to the temple to a concert.  Her name is Rosena!  About the Concert, if the world isn’t already aware, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is having an event that takes place throughout the 25 days to Christmas.  This Event is called #Lighttheworld.  Here in the Dominican Republic, there was a group of individuals who put together a concert for investigators and members of the Church to commemorate this event.  There were 3 shows and to each there were 5 stakes invited.  In terms of numbers, you have about 30,000 or more people invited to this concert.  

The concert was great in terms of effort and organization.  The quality of the music they played varied because here it’s hard to find people who can tell the difference between an “a” or a “b.” (In music that is.)  It’s true, many of the people here are painfully tone deaf...  That’s ok, though.  It doesn’t change the fact that they are children of God and need to know how to return to our father in Heaven.  Anyway, the concert was a solid 7 out of 10 and the finale was fun!  The world famous hit, Feliz Navidad!  It’s a great song but, if we’re being honest, all its saying is Merry Christmas over and over for 3 and a half solid minutes!

Today as far as P-days go was pretty slow. We stayed home again and I deep cleaned our apartment once again. I was finished by 9, though. After a little while we did end up leaving the house to buy food but really we didn’t do much. That’s all to report for today, folks. I hope you enjoyed this week’s story time!  See you next week!

Going forth with the vision of Christ and an eye of Faith!

Elder Rhys Wheeler

P.S. Siempre madre! Typos por favor!

P.P.S Always mom! Typos Please!

P.P.P.S. I felt I needed to include a translation from Spanish to English for you. I Love you! Thanks!


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