Letter From Kelson - Week # 61 - I bet you can't guess how this story ends?

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!!
Howdy, Ya'll ...whats cookin', good lookin'? what's achin' Bacon? Please answer these questions and then send the answers to my mother.  The most frequent answer will be applied to the next e-mail giving you the opportunity to be right here in the action with everyone's Hero.... CAPTAIN INJURY!!!!
I have a story and it will come out as my fingers type. I want you to sit back, read, and allow your imagination to wander as I tell you the tale of the "Well Timed Flight to Success!"
It was a blustery day, just like any usual day. The sun was shining, there was maybe a hint of humidity, and the air smelled of crisp french fries right after they are cooked. The country road was winding and rough. As he glided across the asphalt  he felt every care in the world wash out of his mind and just peace and tranquility replace the emptiness inside. Suddenly there was a thought that opened his understanding to new feats accomplish-able on this road, this idea led to quick thought and a rush of adrenaline shooting through his veins as he gave heed and acted. His friend was watching and was waiting the anticipated success of the astounding opportunity he had of seeing such a wonderful idea executed in perfect simplicity. The suspense built as the idea became closer and closer to completion.  There was a gasp for air as the audience watched;  the local Birds covered the eyes of the little ones, because of the uncertainty of life afterwards.
*Stroke, Stroke* as the Pedals turn, his bike accelerates to the high speed of 18 mph. His legs begin to feel almost as light as air as he works his magic across the dirt path which accompanies the road in its long journey. *Stroke, Stroke* he pedals faster and faster. There isn't anything that is going to stop his fame, and glory now. He is prepared for the fortunes of Bragging rights.
The Strokes, stop, there is a sudden halt of emotion, a loss of weight and the feeling of happiness rushes through his body as he desires to change his nature and fly away into the auburn sunset. He spreads his wings, and accepts his destiny. His mind has now been cleared and his efforts not wasted. He closes his eyes and.... UGGHGHHGHGHGH!!!! !!!!  xx
The author of the story suddenly died of a fatal blow to the noggin, there was no chance in saving him. I think it might have been a stray bullet from the local gang violence or his companion putting a scrabble board forcefully down his throat... I guess we will never know the end of the story.
This past week was awesome! I was able to go back to my last area and see Joey C. get baptized. He is a 12 year old boy who is awesome, we met with him early this year and then we stopped meeting with him and then we picked him back up before I left and he got baptized without me having to work too hard...Darn! My pride takes a hit from the lack of my importance in all of this. He is awesome.  I also received a wonderful present from an amazing family who's name will be withheld, but they know who they are; they truly are amazing and I was kind of a meanie muffin to them because of circumstances and timing, and other stresses of my life, but that still gave me no reason to be mean... I am working on being more Christ -Like and I can now see how far I really have to go. If they are reading this, I hope they know this is a public apology and a public Thank you for the gift...I'll let you know how I like it. ;)
Elder Badger and I also had a pretty cool miracle this week. We had been praying that we would find a family to teach, because that is where happiness really comes from. We prayed and as the week came to a close, we had no family. Well yesterday was a huge worldwide broadcast for our church stressing the importance of missionary work and the "Work of Salvation" as it is called in cooler terms. Afterward we found out that a family we had been teaching and then had to hand over to the Spanish Elders, because they were Spanish speaking, didn't want Spanish elders, but they wanted us instead. We went over after this meeting, talked with them for about  20 min, then set up another appointment for 2 hours later. We came back and it was awesome! We only got to talk to the Mom, but she is super legit! She said that last night she was feeling the Spirit and that she can feel it as we talk about the Savior and his words. She knows that what we say is true!!! WAHOO!!!! We invited her to be baptized and she said she would once she has a bit more information. I really think this is the Miracle that the Lord has decided to bless us with. Thanks for the Prayers, they are working! ;)
Always working hard at hardly working...Jk, I love working this way, because it isn't work when you enjoy it. I feel like I am on vacation.
Love ya,
Elder Wheeler
P.s. MOM!!! TYPOS!!!! Oh can you guess what happened to the person in the story?


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