Letter from Kelson - Week #17 - Prepare to have your mind Blown!!!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!! This past week has been quite interesting, and I feel that I should include my faithful readers in this interesting week. So we had a baptism this week, His name is Franklin and he is a bit on the crazy side...what I mean by that is he has had 2 strokes, been in a 6 month coma after a really bad car accident and has several different forms of cancer...I think he has the right to be crazy. Anyway he is 100% totally accountable which is great because he got baptized. The cool thing about this baptism though is I was able to see Elder Outlaw again, We bonded again, and I performed the baptism. It was my first time actually performing the ordinance and I have to say that it is not as hard as people make it out to be. When you say the prayer you just feel great because the Holy Ghost testifies of truth and so your insides are burning with the Spirit of God, plus that spirit must give the priesthood holder super-natural strength because when I pulled Franklin out of the water, the second time (his feet came up so we had to go to round 2) I didn't feel fatigued or any kind of strain on my muscles, and Franklin weights probably about 50 lbs more than me, and I have gained a few Missionary pounds since I left. That made this week great, because all week we were just out trying to find and no one wanted to talk to us. Our appointments all seemed to fall through, the Splits or team ups with the High Priests that we had arranged both fell through, plus all of our Ward missionaries happen to be busy...Thus leading to some pretty bad numbers, but alas we had a baptism so it made up for itself in the end. I would like to inform everyone though of what my week truly ended with. We go to sleep Saturday night feeling great and ready for church the next morning, then we wake up on Sunday and both Elder Forsgren and I are feeling a bit quizzy and under the weather. I thought it could have been just the fact that I was hungry (that happened a lot at home), but I regret to inform you that the toast with strawberry jam that I made for breakfast came back to say hello while we were at church. We did not go to church yesterday, and I am letting you know this because when missionaries don't go to church all the people that could be blessed from their service don't get any blessings...Just Kidding. Even though we didn't go to church, we still had Franklin confirmed and had 1 investigator, Charity, at church this Sunday. So My mother requested for me to tell some stories from this experience so far, and I am not sure which ones I have told and haven't told so I will just write a few that come to mind as I am sitting here typing out this long introduction to buy me some time to think............ Ok so there was this one time that a lady called out to us and said "Hey I want to talk to you!!!" Now this should have been the sign to run away, but I was new and I thought ...Sweet here comes another baptism...I was sorely mistaken. She then started to yell at the top of her lungs many profanities that come with names, but I wont give them to you (use your imagination). Among her yelling was the phrase: 1. "I am a honest christian", 2. "Jesus was Provoked" , and 3. "I killed my best friend and told the police it was me, which is why I am a honest christian"...She then told us why she said some of these things, like the continual nagging of her neighbor whenever she would walk by. Her neighbor would also use choice words that signify racial slurs...By the way this woman was black...Thus the provoking of her neighbor brought out quote number 2. She then proceeded to tell us that she was fed up with her neighbor and she had clawed her neighbor's storm door all to pieces trying to kill her neighbor...um what???...Then she started to tell us that she didn't have any problem killing her neighbor because she already killed her best friend for sleeping with her husband, or something like that and now she was being provoked like Jesus...quote number 2 again... And all of this leads to quote number 1...She is an honest christian...I would hate to see a dishonest christian...For all those who are reading, she was also high on weed and drunk off Jack Daniels when she was talking to us. After she was done trying to tell us something that we didn't really care about she then began to yell at some dog so I think she may be a little off her rocker...haha ......... This story is short and I am sorry to say that this happened, but we went in to teach a lady and when we sat down across from her we noticed and recognized her lack of Panties...it was a very long lesson, but luckily for us the Stake Presidents' Son was not in our location he was off to the side...I will say it right now...SCARRED FOR LIFE!!! These are a few of the stories that I will be coming home with in 20 months, but until then I will add more and more to my story book. I love this Work, and I want all of you to know it. No matter how much I have to work, no matter how hard it is, no matter the pain and agony of heart that comes from people not accepting this great and glad message, I will go forth Boldly, nobly, and will not quit because the atonement wasn't easy for the Saviour so why should the mission be easy for me. I love my Saviour Jesus Christ and every day he shows me little tender mercies. I would exhort you to look for the tender mercies in your life, the things that bring true happiness, the things that the world can't supply, count them and recognize them. Your life will increase in happiness 10 fold and you will see the many things that God has done for you. Until next time, Elder Wheeler P.s. Was your mind Blown??? P.p.s. Oh great mother of mine...Please correct any typos I may have left in the stories/letter. Love YAhere is one for Dad too


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