Letter From Rhys - Week # 47 – Las Cuevas of Brisas Del Este!!!!

Feliz Lunes from the tropical land of the Republica Dominicana!

This past week, we were blessed with a very fun and awe-inspiring zone conference! We learned what we need to do to be more consecrated missionaries and the sacrifices we need to make to help bring people closer to Christ.  Hermana Smith even built a small cardboard alter made to look like rocks, to offer our sacrifices for the things of the world that are needed in the mission.  We wrote the things that we needed to sacrifice on little paper hearts and then tore them up and threw them in on the alter. They told us we were going to burn them, but I’m not sure if they actually did or not...

We also had a baptism this weekend!!!! Let’s go!!!!!! The baptism was held yesterday after church. Recently, our Mission President has been wanting us to try to have a baptism every weekend of every month! So far, we’re on it because we have 4 or 5 more people scheduled to be baptized for the next 3 weekends!!! They are all super solid and awesome as well! I really look forward to seeing these people baptized.

This upcoming Saturday we learn what’s happening for next transfer! Yup, that’s right, six more weeks have come and gone!!!! AY MI MADRE!!!!! It just keeps getting faster! Well, also Elder Barrus, one of the missionaries in my apartment is finishing up his last p-day before he goes home.  To celebrate this momentous occasion, we went Spelunking!!! It was awesome! We took lots of pictures and we got really dirty! However, this place was super cool and it is definitely not something we could really do in the US.  Everything is too regulated over there to go freely exploring caves.

Elder Martinez, kept hitting his head, though, on the stalactites hanging from the ceiling! I Think we counted about 10 or 12 times.  Within the cave we found a natural body of water that was crystal clear! The member that was with us showing us around, showed us what it was like in the pond like area by getting in and swimming around. It was about 5´6¨ I believe, maybe a little deeper. We got to explore some awesome crawl spaces and I really want to go back to explore some more!

But to explain, there are not going to be pictures from this experience for a little while until I can get a new USB adapter for my SD card. These computers are not reading my current one at the moment probably due to some disconnection in the adapter circuit. But as soon as I get the opportunity to upload the photos I will do so and let the entire world know!!!! [Mom’s note:  the pictures are in!  They’re at the end of this post.]

Well, my friends that’s all for this week’s Dominican Republic Elder Wheeler Edition. Also, if some are wondering we do get rain but we never really carry umbrellas because it’s just easier and more fun to get wet. By the way, we are also coming up on Hurricane season so if any fun developments happen, you’ll be some of the first to know!

Bye! Have fun in the States or wherever you are!

Going forth with the vision of Christ and an eye of Faith,
Elder Rhys Wheeler!

P.S. This is I do believe letter number 48 or 47, which means I’ve already almost been out for an entire year! Can you believe it!?

P.P.S. Mom, after you’re finished mind boggling over the time, could you fix my typos please? Thanks I love you so!

Let's Do This!

Just a little climbing here

I'm cool and I know it

Elder, where are you?

Rhys and Elder Martinez

New dimensions in rock climbing

This is what happens when you fall 10 feet in a cave.


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