Letter From Rhys - Week # 45 – Fun times!

Feliz Lunes from the tropical land of the Republica Dominicana!

This past week we’ve been having a lot of fun preaching and teaching and finding awesome people to baptize! We had an intercambio with the Zone Leaders last week and I learned a lot of how to talk to the youth and get their friends to come to church!

In the process of teaching these youth we found a couple others as well who are prepared to be baptized. We found another family the other day, when a little girl brought her friend to a so called "English class with the missionaries"  No one else showed up so upon request we taught them how to read music.  

Afterward, they told us they were going to come to church on Sunday! Because they’re awesome, they did!!!! And we were able to talk to one of the moms of one of the girls, last night! She was super receptive about our message and told us to come back as soon as possible to teach them more! She also was super glad that her daughter had a lot of fun at church and is trying to follow the example of Jesus Christ!

The 2 girls names are Niahomi (Nie-o-me) and (this is a weird one but totally awesome) Minamiisashley! (Mina- mees- ashley)  These two girls are 10 and are super cool! I can’t wait to meet with them some more and we have planned for them to be baptized on the 14th of July!

We have also been able to have some fun going to Sambil once again today to hit up the batting cages there. I got to try the 90 mph throwing machine today and made a lot of good connections with the ball. There were other guys as well that were there for baseball practice so we watched a couple of them. I was told by some of the other Elders that I was better at batting than those that we had seen hit. Really, I won’t deny the claim but that’s why they’re practicing right?

I’m just there to have fun and screw around really. I don’t want the stress of professional sports, nor do I want more money than I'd know what to do with. I’m serving the Lord. The best thing I could ever do in life at the current moment!

Anyway, now that that’s cleared up, I hope that you all realize how much fun it truly is for me to be here in the mission field.  I’m still learning to work for what I want and then putting forth the effort, but we are starting to see the miracles come and see this area that we’re in reach its full potential!

I love you guys and I hope that you’ve enjoyed this short update for today! Have a great day and I’ll give more info on the baptism this upcoming weekend when it happens!

I also forgot to mention that. We have a BAPTISM THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

Byeya! ;)

Going forth with the vision of Christ and an eye of faith,
Elder Rhys Wheeler

P.S. Mom! I love you! Thanks for the typo erasing! BYE!

[Mom’s note:  One year when Rhys was younger and played Little League, he was the only kid in his division that never struck out.  He has great hand/eye coordination.]


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