Letter From Rhys - Week #0 - Arrival

Greetings from the tropics!

This is my email notifying you that I have successfully and safely arrived at the CCM and am looking forward to learning much and getting some SLEEP!  I could not sleep at all on the flights (no surprise) but all is well and I can still last the next few hours before lights out.  

P-Days start on Thursday of next week, so you won’t be hearing from me until then.  I’ll do my best to upload plenty of pictures.  We are still in Eastern Standard time zone, so we are only 2 hours ahead, however I don’t know if they participate in daylight savings, so come this fall I may be 3 hours ahead.

I must keep this brief but I’m glad to be here and I'm roomed with a couple of amazing elders. I even get my own desk!

Much Love to you all! 

Elder Wheeler


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