Letter from Kelson - Week # 31 - Back to Work you Crazy Kids!!!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!

What is happening Ya'll!!! It is yet another P-day and I am coming to you live from the hidden studio location in my apartment that only top secret monkeys and 20 ft. tall panda bears know about. It has been 4 days since my last writing and I bet you guys are so sick of hearing from me, it is almost as bad as your disgust for turkey!!! (Turkey for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!!) I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you all made it through Black Friday in one piece...if not in one piece, at least alive. People are brutal when they think that the next Worldly thing will provide them happiness. Especially with the latest announcement of Hostess going under...I know who was hitting the Hostess store on Black Friday...hehe I am so Bad...xD 

For everyone's ease of conscience I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had Lunch (Light) At our recent convert Wolfgang;s house and then went to the Skovensky's for dinner. They are a super nice family that allowed yours truly to come over and enjoy a non-turkey "Turkey Day"!!! I don't like turkey...I always ask for ham on Thanksgiving, but my mother always said "NO". The Skovensky's are super legit, they let us stay until pumpkin hour...(9 pm) and then we left for home. We played games and just enjoyed the many joys that come from counting our blessings...I think there was a talent show without it actually being a talent show. There was a lot of singing and juggling by ME!!!  

I have some super awesome news for the people of the World who care, As a mission we are doing this event called "White Christmas". It isn't of snow it is of people dressed in white. We have a goal for every companionship in the mission to baptize at least 1 truly converted person in the month of December as a gift to our Saviour for his birthday. And we have been blessed here in El Dorado Hills, I am getting the opportunity to Baptize Austin McD on Saturday morning. He has accepted the call of the Saviour to be baptized and he asked me to do it. He is awesome, plus we are also being blessed with the baptism of Michael Z on Saturday afternoon!!! I have been truly blessed with great people to come up here and teach. We have been greatly blessed this "White Christmas" and we have 2 more in the month of December set up for baptism. The Lord has truly helped us become successful in our meeting of our part of the Mission's goal. 

This letter is kind of short, but I want to tell you all something that I realized this week.

I realized that our lives are completely our choice, and that the Lord is prepared to help you and others by the choices that you make. I found this out because I started thinking, what if I came out when I was 18? how would I have reacted? who would I be teaching now? Would I be here in the Wards that I am in? Then I thought about how grateful I am that I came out when I did. The people that I am here helping come into the waters of baptism were placed here to strengthen my testimony, as I help them build theirs. The members that I have become great friends with were put here so that I may make long lasting friendships and relationships with my Spiritual brothers and sisters. There are choices that I have made that have put me here and I don't care if they were good or bad, because they have helped me become the person I am today, and helped me meet these awesome people. Before this I was only thinking about the immediate results of my actions, but now I realize that my actions may not effect me in the next few days, months or years, but they will effect me in the far future. Making wrong decisions only makes the journey harder and rougher, plus it just makes coming back to the correct way more work intensive and somewhat embarrassing.  I thought I would share and ask you as my readers to just evaluate your lives and the choices you have made and realize how greatly blessed we are to have a Father in Heaven who even after we continue to make decisions that are not so correct, he still puts opportunity after opportunity for us to progress and become better, with people who will enrich our lives and help us succeed in Life. I am thankful and Love him dearly.

Keep serving each other, and I will return to work after my relaxing weekend...hehe xD

Elder Wheeler

P.s. Mom you know what to do...I leave this all in your capable hands


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