Letter from Kelson #7 - "Week...? Lost track and glad for it!!!"

Good Morning Sunny California!!!! I want to start off with praise of my Heavenly Father because through him this whole week has been more successful had I been trying to do this all on my own. THANK YOU!!! HEAVENLY FATHER!!! Last Sunday the mission had a specific fast that they wanted all of us to participate in as we were fasting on the normal fast Sunday. This specific fast was all about fulfilling a promise that the mission received a few months prior to my arriving in the field. It was from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He said that this mission would experience great miracles in the following months if we as missionaries left childish things behind and went to work, fervently, valiantly and diligently. We had a fast that this Apostolic promise would be manifest in the next few months and continue as we strive to keep our end of the bargain. We also fasted that we would meet the mission wide goal of having 55 baptisms in June, 67 baptisms in July, and 67 baptisms in August. These are mission-wide, so each companionship should have at least one baptism each month. This being said I would like to inform all those that are reading that the Lord answers prayers, He listens when we fast and sacrifice those two meals for greater understanding of Gospel, He also blesses those who are diligently seeking to help others come unto the truth. Our Zone is on fire; we are having like 8 baptisms in the next 2 weeks. A lot of them are all on the same day, so we are just having Saturday afternoon Splash party after Saturday afternoon Splash party. What is even more exciting and wonderful is that 2 of those 8 that are being baptized are 2 of my former investigators, soon to be 2 of my brothers and sisters in the Gospel. Their names are Kathy, and Leon. Leon is getting baptized this Saturday, and he is super excited...So am I, but I don't matter. He was at church yesterday and he was super nervous about having to get up and speak in front of everyone. We started to tease him a bit about how next week after he is baptized he has to give a 20 min talk in Sacrament meeting (main meeting with the whole congregation) and his eyes widened and his heart raced and he was like "REALLY?!!". and we told him "no"... but it was way fun to see his reaction. He is a really awesome guy who loves Jesus Christ and everything we have been teaching him. He has lots of friends in church and I feel like we will have lots of support from the ward in making him feel welcome and loved. Kathy is getting baptized on the 23rd and she has come a long way. She just loves the Gospel, too. She would read all on her own as well as keep the commitments we left for her to keep and read. She just had some stumbling blocks of not wanting to jump into something like being baptized into Christ's True Church without thinking it through all the way. Well God answered her prayer and ours with a very vivid dream that she had, which made it apparent that Satan was trying to keep her out of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so she told Satan that he could shove it (not literally but could have been literally) and she was like "when can I be baptized." She is also way excited, and she is just like a sponge. She will read, ask questions, and then receive revelation. She has definitely been prepared for us to teach her. I would like to thank all of you who read this and are praying for my success, I am grateful for your support and the love that you show for me and all those in the Sacramento, California Area. The People here are grateful for your prayers too even though they are unaware of your prayers. The Lord knows that you are praying for them and will bless you 10 fold as you are diligent in keeping the commandments of God and making correct choices. For those who are not of my faith I would like to ask you to not be offended by what I say, but take it to heart, search the scriptures and Worship God in your own respects. I know that as you worship God the best way you know how, He will bless your life as well. Our Heavenly Father Loves all his children, not just those who are serving missions, who are Molly Mormons/ Peter Priesthoods, but He loves everyone, Especially the Sinner...which includes all of us because the only Perfect person to ever walk this earth was Jesus Christ himself. Keep praying, enjoy your life and live every day like tomorrow the Savior will come again. In the Best mission in the World!!!, Elder Kelson Wheeler P.s. TYPOS!!!!! Hehe I'll ask everytime!!!


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