Good Morning From Sunny California!!!
*Effective Immediately*
All Missionary services provided by Elder Wheeler will be terminated at the Airport in Dayton, Ohio on Wednesday April 23rd. Any peoples desiring to be at the airport to visit with him when he walks out of the terminal must arrive at the airport promptly at 10:00 pm to be blessed by his presence and be given the opportunity to hug him before his mother...hahaha
If you don't wish to be a part of this, or find yourselves without the ability of doing so, please send hugs via the internet, or text message, or Facebook and they will be received with open arms and loving hearts.
Those who decide that party pooping is their job and must not do any of the previously stated activities that are given for your profit and learning, will be given a handshake and a "how do you do". That way all will be given the love of the returning servant of the Lord and none will be shunned from the party. Even though they are trying to poop on the party, they will be shown love.
Signed:  Elder Kelson Wheeler
Witness: Sister Dalley - we may kidnap him and not let him leave.... Shultz
Witness: Elder Boddie - I love him with >                     < this much of my heart
Witness: Elder Stevens- I proclaim him dead. and loved.
Witness: Elder Anderson- Beware of pride my boy!
Witness: Zeuge: Sister Breuer- I solid witness that Elder Wheeler is right! (She is German)
Witness: Elder Kaititi from KIRIBATI Kiritimati Island. Elder Wheeler is my awesome Zone Leader in the Codorva area I have exchanged  and pair up with him one time in my area and I learned a lot from him. I appreciate him.
As this time comes upon me, I want you all to know that I know that Jesus is the Christ, that He did die and that He lives today!  I know that all things are possible because of Him and that when the time comes I will be able to stand before him and kneel at his feet thanking him for His service, sacrifice and His Love. I know that I have tried to serve Him with all my heart, might, mind and strength. I look forward to keeping my blog going, but with a different source of ideas for my material!
Love ya,
Elder Wheeler (Last Time)
p.s Mother!!! Please fix my Typos for the last time!!! :)


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