Letter From Kelson - Week # 61 - I bet you can't guess how this story ends?
Good Morning From Sunny California!!!! Howdy, Ya'll ...whats cookin', good lookin'? what's achin' Bacon? Please answer these questions and then send the answers to my mother. The most frequent answer will be applied to the next e-mail giving you the opportunity to be right here in the action with everyone's Hero.... CAPTAIN INJURY!!!! I have a story and it will come out as my fingers type. I want you to sit back, read, and allow your imagination to wander as I tell you the tale of the "Well Timed Flight to Success!" It was a blustery day, just like any usual day. The sun was shining, there was maybe a hint of humidity, and the air smelled of crisp french fries right after they are cooked. The country road was winding and rough. As he glided across the asphalt he felt every care in the world wash out of his mind and just peace and tranquility replace the emptiness inside. Suddenly there was a thought that opened his understanding to new...