Letter from Kelson - Week # 34 - I'm Singing in the Rain!!!!
Good Morning From Liquid Sunshiny California!!!! "What a glorious feeling I'm Happy again!!!" To all those who have no idea the reference of my subject and the first line of this here e-mail I apologize...your childhood was stripped from you and you should invent a time machine to go back and try again. It is raining!!! And I am riding a Bicycle. . . . . Please take a moment to feel sorry for me... .. ... I said a moment, not the whole day...haha Thank you for your condolences, but I will be just fine. I am not a wicked witch, so I am safe as a cucumber. I am learning great and wonderful things about my bike though. In my last area I went trail riding a couple of times with a super sweet member of the church. Well, while I was hitting the slopes and rocking the Mountain biker adrenaline levels I hit a few trees, stumps, rocks etc...and my bike seems to be a bit beat up. My front brake is unusable and my rear brak...