Letter from Kelson - Week #37 - I Love it When a Plan Comes together!!!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!!

For everyone's health and peace of mind, my subject is a line from the one and only best T.V Show of all time from its time period...Drum Roll Please....Oh Come on!!! You have read enough of my e-mails to know that when someone says drum roll you do it.....
Why haven't you started to drum roll??? You want to be a party pooper right from the get go?! It is 2013 and you are really making the year start off terrible...hehe Just Kidding
And for all those who now have purple legs, or handles or bruises on any part of them because they have been drum rolling this whole time I thank you for taking one for the team and being a team player. We need more of you in this world....Ummm what was I having you drum roll for again??? 

I seem to have forgotten, well I will continue to write and maybe it will come back to me. However, please keep up the drum roll so that when the time comes that my memory comes back I can give you the answer to whatever I was asking and it can be a successful drum roll ending. And then there will be much rejoicing..."YAY!!!" 

This past week was full of excitement, terror, a hint of drama, some nail biting moments and some things that could have blown off the hair piece of uncle Fredward!!! Yeah it was that awesome! This past week was this awesome because everyone and their brother decided that this was the week that they had set aside in the New Year to become Physically ill...yep there were a lot of really sick people around me. The only problem was they were not investigators of any kind, they were all missionaries!!! There are 6 missionaries in my district and 5 of them had caught some bug that starts off in cold form and moves into immobilization form and then finishes off by hitting the companion of whomever was sick before. Plus this illness takes a few days to get over so in turn there is a lot of really inconvenient moments causing Elder Wheeler distress...For the sanity of my mother, I was the only Healthy one, and so far I am still healthy...Knock on Wood!!! *Knock Knock Knock*  

Although everyone was sick, we were still able to teach many lessons and we had 2 people come to church...FINALLY!!! YEAH!!!! And not only did we have 2 people to church, but I also just remembered what I had you drum rolling for....The name of that T.V. Show is the A-TEAM!!! Whooo Hooo "Take that Sucka!" "I Pity the Fool"...hehe you can allow blood flow back into your appendages that have been drum rolling this whole time... Anyway, they came to church and they both want to get baptized. Their names are Joey and Tyrel, 12 and 14 respectively, and they are awesome! They went to their young men classes and they just had a great time. Their mother is a returning Less-active member and so we are working with her to baptize her kids and help her come back to church!!! Isn't this just so exciting??!! Take that Uncle Fredward's Hair Piece!!! We have another lesson with them tomorrow and I feel that they might accept the date of January 26th!!! Along with these two shining stars we have been blessed with the ability to exercise our priesthood in the form of blessings!!! We gave 3 blessings in 3 days and have another one for today!!! Holy Moly! People know that The Power of the Priesthood is real and useful and back on the earth because of the Restoration. I am really glad that I have kept myself worthy to exercise this great calling and authority that I have been given. Please if you are a member of the church and have the Priesthood and are not quite worthy to exercise the authority you have been given, please try to gain that worthiness back. If you are worthy, "Give me a High Five!" This power and authority is that important. It is not meant for gain of any kind, but to serve one another. 

My week has concluded and we have lots of things planned for this week. I hope to have some more awesome good news for next week!!! Like Baptism dates...Whoo Hoo

Love ya,
Elder Wheeler



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