Letter from Kelson - Week #18 - Thank goodness for the Mission!!!

Good Morning From Sunny California!!!!
I will start off with the most important thing up to this point. It has been brought to my attention that my Mission President wants us to Vote in this election so I need the world to petition my mother to send me an Absentee Ballot so that I may vote for whomever is not OBAMA!!! HAHA
Now to our success... We have had an amazing week!!! We went from a week of almost lesson draught to a week of overflowing milk and honey. We taught 17 lessons this week and we have a pre-me firm, which means that this investigator is ready for baptism, but we need to have them come to church and teach 2 more lessons, but it also means that they have accepted the call to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized.  We are super excited and on top of that they are also going on a Temple Tour with us Saturday...SAWEET!!! The area here is booming, and I know that it is because I have so many people back home praying for the success of this missionary, but something I want you all to realize is that I don't want you to pray for my success, but rather I would like you to pray that the people of Sacramento, California have their hearts softened and open to the message of the Restoration of Jesus Christ Church. This is my request and plea, because there are hundreds of amazing missionaries out here that deserve the success that I am having and I know that they need all the prayers too.  Anyway, we also have this lady, Felicia, who is super solid as well. She has had some hard times with a blood clot in her leg, but she is on medication and doing much better. We called her a week or so ago and as we talked we found out that she had needed our phone call to give her hope and that she woke up, after being out of touch with the world, and wants to be baptized!!! Between these two people we could have baptisms on the 15th and the 22nd. SUPER PSYCHED!!!!
I would like to take this area to talk about an experience that I had this week, so please enjoy the music while I prepare the statement... *Elevator Music Begins to Play*...
Ok I think I am ready, so we were teaching this lady, her name is Charity, and she is a nice black lady around 50 or so and she has really had it rough in her life. As we were teaching her, we were talking about the many programs that the church offers to help people in their times of need and spiritual enlightenment. We kept talking and she began to become excited and started praising the Lord, well amongst her praise she then started getting down on herself about how she was unable to do the things we were asking of her to do, because she didn't have the personal strength to overcome her challenges. Then the funniest thing came out of her mouth, and I feel that this is the part that you have all been waiting for...She said "I JUST NEED TO BE BEAT WITH A STICK...BY JESUS!!!" I had to try so hard not to laugh. This was true according to her, but I never thought of Jesus caring a stick that he could then beat people with to get them in shape. I know he spoke softly, but did he really carry a big stick? Anyway I wrote that down and I couldn't wait to share it with you.
I hope that last week I did not offend or scare anyone away from reading my letters home with any of my stories. After I sent them I was kind of having writers remorse about the one with the no undergarments on, but I figured that my loving readers would understand and forgive me eventually.
Oh one more thing before I sign off and make the next week happen with magic, we had Zone Conference this week and all day I couldn't stop thinking about this one thing and I hope that I have the chance to do the thing that I was thinking about...If that doesn't make sense, I am sorry...But anyway there is this missionary who has a reputation and it isn't a pretty one, but anyway all day I couldn't help but think about how sad he looked, and what I could do to help him.  To make a very long story of many impressions I talked with the Mission President and I requested to be his companion sometime in the future. He told me that it is all dependent upon revelation and he doesn't really know who he is going to put who with until Monday of transfers, but he would petition the Lord for me. I then told him that I don't want to be rushed into the situation, though, so please wait until the Lord sees me fit to work with him...  Don't want more than I can chew.
I love all of you immensely and I hope that you have a blessed week as you do your best to prepare to meet God in the coming week. Thus is our Purpose, to prepare to meet God, and show him we are ready for all he has to give us.

Elder WHEELER!!!


  1. I can just hear her saying "I need to be hit with a stick... by JESUS!" This is going to become integrated into my lexicon.

  2. Jesus didn't beat with a stick, but he did manage to overturn the moneychangers' tables when it was appropriate to do so ...

    I doubt that her behavior would have warranted such a drastic measure in any case.


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